Golde Follywolle

Married Noas Skytracer   Mother to Hugh, Osmer, Sperling and Fillys Skytracer   House Follywolle is a noble house known for their love of music, art, and poetry. They are renowned for their patronage of the arts, their appreciation for beauty, and their creative talents.   Sigil: The crest of House Follywolle depicts a silver lyre, set against a field of royal purple. The silver lyre represents their love for music and the arts, while the royal purple signifies their appreciation for beauty and elegance. The crest embodies their passion for creativity, artistry, and cultural refinement.


Noas Skytracer


Towards Golde Follywolle

Golde Follywolle


Towards Noas Skytracer

Current Location
Noas Skytracer (spouse)