Grävus Torn

Grävus Torn is a wooden stronghold that sits atop a hill overlooking the frozen lake and dense forest of Gadafoss province. The fort is designed for defense, with steeply angled roofs that make it difficult for attackers to scale, and multiple layers of rising balconies that provide the defenders with excellent vantage points. The walls are thick and sturdy, made of sturdy oak logs and reinforced with stone buttresses.   Stone steps lead up to the fort, and intricate bridges connect different parts of the stronghold. The central tower is the tallest structure, and it has a commanding view of the surrounding area. Inside the fort, there are barracks for soldiers, armories filled with weapons and armor, and storage rooms stocked with provisions.   The people of Jayrifah take great pride in Grävus Torn, and the fort serves as a symbol of their strength and resilience. Despite being made of wood, the fort has never been breached, thanks to the skill and bravery of the defenders who have held it against many attacks over the years.
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