Gray Ruins

  In the heart of the Silvermound lake Argent, shrouded by the whispering leaves of ancient trees, lies the mysterious ruins of an ancient tower. Here, the air carries the faint scent of aged stone, mingling with the earthy aroma of moss and wildflowers reclaiming the forgotten architecture. The wind, a constant visitor through crumbling corridors and broken arches, lends its voice to the symphony of history that echoes through the ruins.
  These enigmatic remnants are not deserted; they are home to the Gray Mages, their presence felt but rarely seen among the shadows of crumbling walls. Known for their arcane prowess and insatiable thirst for knowledge, the Gray Mages dwell within the ancient tower, their bodies tending to the grounds while their minds converge in communal study. Within the Gray, seekers of arcane wisdom and forgotten lore can easily lose themselves, surrounded by endless shelves of tomes, scrolls, and artifacts that whisper secrets of epochs long past.
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