Great Ashen Tree - Rokau Tree

Large white tree in volcanoes

  The Rokau Tree, often called the Great Ashen Tree, stands as a solemn testament to the cataclysmic eruption of the legendary Vulkan Scarsear during the Second Era. Its trunk, once mighty and vibrant, is now marred by deep fissures and blackened scars, remnants of the fiery destruction it endured. This ancient tree’s ashen branches stretch outward, their skeletal forms a stark contrast to the budding new growth that emerges slowly but persistently. The air around the Rokau Tree carries a faint scent of sulfur, mingling with the fresh, earthy aroma of rejuvenation. Among the Hiasynth elves and the inhabitants of the Vulcanyon Valley, the Rokau Tree is a symbol of resilience and the cyclical nature of life. They gather at its base, drawing strength from its enduring presence and honoring the memory of a past that forged their present. Despite its damage, the Rokau Tree remains a vital part of Galfin’s cosmic order, its roots intertwining with the land to maintain the balance of elemental forces.
  "The World Trees are greatly important to the cosmic order. The Botanoron, the Ton-Kuauitl (Suntek word for Sun Tree, what other cultures call the World Tree), the damaged Rokau Tree (known as the Great Ashen Tree because it was heavily damaged in the 2nd era when the legendary Vulkan Scarsear erupted as a volcanic aelfe.)"
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