Hessa Ravi

Wife to Godelot Skytracer     Mother to Jirard, Gamel and Laurencius Skytracer.   House Ravi is a noble house known for their expertise in diplomacy and negotiation. They are respected for their diplomatic skills, their ability to navigate complex political landscapes, and their talent for forging alliances.   Sigil: The crest of House Ravi features a golden quill with a hilt of a sword, symbolizing their mastery in diplomacy and negotiation. The golden quill represents their skill in communication and diplomacy, while the inkwell signifies their ability to navigate political landscapes with wisdom and tact. The crest embodies their diplomatic prowess and their talent for forging alliances through skilled negotiation.


Godelot Skytracer


Towards Hessa Ravi

Hessa Ravi


Towards Godelot Skytracer

Current Location