Highmonarch Consort

Highmonarch Consort is a position associated with the spouse of the Highqueen or Highking, the ruling monarch of the Gaulan Plains. The Highmonarch Consort is not required to be of noble birth, but they tend to come from wealthier families within the region.
  The Highmonarch Consort is often seen as a trusted advisor and confidant to the ruling monarch, serving as a key member of the royal court and playing an important role in the governance of the realm. They may also be tasked with representing the monarch in various ceremonial functions or diplomatic negotiations.
  While the Highmonarch Consort may not have an official role in the governance of the realm, they are often influential in shaping the policies and decisions of the Highqueen or Highking. They are seen as a respected and trusted partner, offering counsel and guidance to the ruling monarch.