House of Rawlin

Family allied with the Windslayers. Their title for leader is King's Blade due to them always charging next to the king an any war. Dominus Rawlin is the current King's Blade and frontrunner for the Tenth Eastern Moot. The Rawlins are a distant cousin of the Eastking line, way up the family tree.   House Rawlin is a legendary family of warriors from the eastern Heathlands, known for their valor, skill in combat, and indomitable spirit. They are revered for their martial prowess and their unwavering loyalty to their kingdom.   Sigil: The crest of House Rawlin features a bronze bullhead, symbolizing their strength, courage, and determination in battle. The bull is often depicted with menacing horns and a fierce expression, representing their ferocity and prowess as warriors. The bronze color signifies their enduring legacy and time-honored traditions.

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