House of Warice

The House of Warice is a prominent noble family in the north, known for their military prowess and cunning tactics. They rose to power through their strategic alliances with other influential families in the region, eventually gaining the favor of the ruling family in Skygarde, the Skytracers. In fact, they married into the Skytracer family, cementing their place in the political landscape of the realm.   The House of Warice is fiercely loyal to the Skytracer family, and their military forces have been instrumental in defending the realm against external threats. They have a reputation for being unyielding in battle, and their soldiers are trained to fight with discipline and precision.   The Warices are known for their red crest with gold bull horns, which symbolizes their strength and resilience. They are a proud and honorable house, and they take their duty to protect the realm very seriously. However, their ambition and thirst for power have led them to make enemies along the way, and some view them with suspicion and distrust. Despite this, the House of Warice remains a formidable faction in the realm, feared and respected by many.   Northern family who gained favour in Skygarde and married into the Skytracer family.
Family Leader