Adolfas Warice

Plainsking Consort Adolfas Warice

Adolfas Warice is a man of great stature and commanding presence, standing tall with broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw. His piercing green eyes seem to glint with intelligence and his neatly trimmed beard gives him an air of sophistication. He wears the colors of his house proudly, a red cloak with golden bull horns emblazoned on the back. His armor is immaculate, polished to a shine that reflects the light with each movement.   Adolfas is a skilled fighter, trained in both sword and tactics, having been raised in the House of Warice from a young age. He is a strategist at heart, constantly assessing situations and devising plans to overcome any obstacle. He takes his role as Plainsking Consort seriously, offering counsel to his wife, Plainsqueen Sadie Skytracer, and working tirelessly to ensure the safety and prosperity of the Plains.     Father of Ella Skytracer   Married Sadie Skytracer   Adolfas was of Ivoria but his family was closer to the Mercadian ruling class then his barbaric homeland.   Born in Blackstock, lived in Skygarde   Wyndan


Plainsqueen Sadie Skytracer


Towards Adolfas Warice

Adolfas Warice


Towards Plainsqueen Sadie Skytracer

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