
Nestled in a cold expanse, Inverporh is a shire town uniquely inhabited by snow trolls. Contrary to their name, these trolls are diminutive in stature, resembling warrior-like snowball pigmies. Covered in thick white fur that shields them from the bitter cold, they skillfully wield spears as their primary weapon. While sharing lineage with the larger trolls, their distinct appearance and attributes set them apart.
  Inverporh Winterhall Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 2403 164
  Population: 47,240, Size: 1,524 acres Demographics: Elf (100%) Extra Details Nearby Points of Interest Wealth: 236,200,000 gp. Max value for sale: 15,589 gp. Max pawn value: 82,670 gp Detailed Demographics
  Inverporh's population is unusually wealthy, and is known for having delicious cuisine. The ruler (Xanaphia Lathalas, Female Elf) is fair and just, respected by the populace.
  Defenses: The capital is surrounded by stone walls. 330 trained warriors serve in the capital's defense, and a militia of 4294 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Althaea Aloro, Female Elf.
  Tavern | Blacksmith | Alchemist | Jeweler | Enchanter | General Store | Cottage | House
  Shops Tavern: Azaki's Owner: Azaki Amastacia, Male Elf [Details]
  Location: In a market quarter. The street outside is lined with a low stone wall. Description: The tavern is a wooden single storey building, with a black shingled roof and well-made wooden furniture. It contains large persian rugs on the floor and cured meats and cheeses hanging from the ceiling. Smells like smoke. Quests and Rumors | Map Specials: Lamb Burger with Rice and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp) Bison Cake with Peas and a Coffee (5 sp) Bison Pie with Peaches and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)
  Other Patrons: Peren Caerdonel, Male Elf [Details] Varis Meliamne, Male Elf [Details] Ielenia Iathrana, Female Elf [Details] Caeldrim Teinithra, Male Elf [Details] Koeth Mellerelel, Male Elf [Details] Carrie Sylvaranth, Male Elf [Details] Elama Ofandrus, Female Elf [Details] Quarion Wasanthi, Male Elf [Details] Eiravel Qualanthri, Male Elf [Details] Paelias Netyoive, Male Elf [Details] Blacksmith: The Brass Pommel Owner: Caelynn Dalanthan, Female Elf [Details]
  Location: In a temple ward. The street outside has a fortune teller and has a fortune teller. Description: The blacksmith is a brick single storey building, with a reinforced wooden door and overgrown hedges. It contains a small wood oven and everything is covered in dust and metal shrapnel. Rustic and known for great service. Map Specials: Sword of Wounding (dmg 207) (1,896 gp) Nine Lives Stealer (dmg 183) (7,632 gp) Armor, +1 (dmg 152) (1,386 gp)
  Other Patrons: Sariel Berevan, Female Elf [Details] Berrian Wasanthi, Male Elf [Details] Alchemist: Althaea's Alchemy Owner: Althaea Iranapha, Female Elf [Details]
  Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside is next to a grand hall and has a fortune teller. Description: The alchemist is a plaster and wood framed single storey building, with a red tile roof and a koi pond. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains an old-looking telescope and a number of distillers scattered about. Map Specials: Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (48 gp) Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (49 gp) Potion of Mind Reading (dmg 188) (176 gp)
  Other Patrons: Ridaro Siannodel, Female Elf [Details] Meriele Meliamne, Female Elf [Details] Ridaro Liadon, Female Elf [Details] Varis Erenaeth, Male Elf [Details] Birel Teinithra, Female Elf [Details] Ahinar Ostoroth, Female Elf [Details] Jeweler: Enna's Bling Cart Owner: Enna Lathalas, Female Elf [Details]
  Location: In a market quarter. The street outside has a town crier with the latest news and gossip. Description: The jeweler is a wooden tower, with a white shingled roof and softly blowing chimes by the door. It contains curtains draped over the walls and several framed paintings of necklaces. Will kick out any non-Elf customers, including current patrons. Map Specials: Ring of Animal Influence (dmg 189) (3,991 gp) Exquisite Ring (3 gp) Ring of Shooting Stars (dmg 192) (13,650 gp)
  Other Patrons: Irann Lathalas, Female Elf [Details] Xanaphia Goltorah, Female Elf [Details] Enchanter: The Sage's Oracles Owner: Arara Berevan, Female Elf [Details]
  Location: In the artisan's district. The street outside has drunken revelers. Description: The enchanter is a timber framed cabin, with a tanned wooden roof and a row of flowers around the building. It was once a barracks, and has a collection of arms and armor. It contains a deck with chairs and piles of books scattered about. Map Specials: Necklace of Prayer Beads (dmg 182) (9,551 gp) Heward's Handy Haversack (dmg 174) (1,915 gp) Bracers of Defense (dmg 156) (5,997 gp)
  Other Patrons: Elama Caphaxath, Female Elf [Details] Traki Siannodel, Male Elf [Details] Sariel Ethanasath, Female Elf [Details] General Store: The Wobbly Shop Owner: Lamlis Rothenel, Male Elf [Details]
  Location: In the middle of the slums. The street outside is next to a large public square. Description: The general store is a plaster two-storey building, with a blue tile roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It contains a large grandfather clock and a decomissioned carriage serving as shelving for goods. Map Specials: Chest (phb 153) (5 gp) Barrel (phb 153) (2 gp) Mirror, Steel (phb 150) (5 gp)
  Other Patrons: Caeldrim Qualanthri, Male Elf [Details] Chaedi Xiloscient, Female Elf [Details] Claira Selevarun, Female Elf [Details] Housing Small Cottage Owner: Vaina Iathrana, Female Elf [Details] Map
  The house is a plaster two-storey building, with a gray shingled roof and tile flooring. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and dresser. In one corner is small firepit with a spit of meat over the fire. Cruck House Owner: Shanairla Arnuanna, Female Elf [Details] Map
  The house is a brick rowhouse, with a yellow tile roof and a large cellar. It contains 3 rooms total with 1 bedroom, each containing a chest. The kitchen has a brick hearth with simple cooking pot. Outside is a small fence made of wattle, and a small apiary sits just outside the door with honeybees buzzing to and fro.
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