Jaggedking Cynhelm Oakhand

Jaggedking Cynhelm Oakhand

Father of Osfirth Oakhand and husband to Vitala Yurievna, Cynhelm was known for his keen mind and diplomatic skills. He played a key role in negotiating alliances with neighboring kingdoms and resolving conflicts peacefully during his reign as Jaggedking of Fogholt. Cynhelm was a spiroak man with a tall and sturdy build, and his black hair was always neatly combed.
  170 BHM Addison's (Age 30) son Cynhelm (Age 0) is born. 169 BHM Randal (Age 68) dies from an assassin at his father's third annual memorial. 170 BHM Addison (Age 69) becomes Mountainking. 157 BHM Addison (Age 82) dies. 156 BHM Cynhelm (Age 14) becomes Mountainking. 134 BHM Osfirth (Age 0) born to their father Cynhelm (Age 36). 88 BHM Osfirth (Age 46) Mountainking suceeds his father Cynhelm (Age 82) 55 BHM Cynhelm (Age 102) death.
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Jaggedking Cynhelm Oakhand


Towards Vitala Yurievna

Vitala Yurievna


Towards Jaggedking Cynhelm Oakhand

Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
170 BHM 55 BHM 115 years old
Vitala Yurievna (spouse)