Jaggedking Deacon Oakhand


As the last ruler of Fogholt, Deacon Oakhand was a desperate man. His people were dying from the Fogholt Plague, and he saw no other way to save them than to use a dangerous and forbidden spell. The spell was meant to keep his people alive, but it came with a terrible price. The people of Fogholt became undead, their bodies forever trapped in a state between life and death.
  Deacon himself was one of the undead, but he retained his mind and memories. He was haunted by the guilt of what he had done, and he spent his days wandering the empty streets of Fogholt, searching for a way to reverse the spell. He never found one, and he eventually succumbed to the same fate as his people.
  Yeva Ezyni was his wife, and she died before the spell was cast. Her body was buried in a small cemetery outside of Fogholt, where it remains to this day.
  His mountain province was small but strong, it could defend from any army but not a plague. Deacon knew his people were dying so he looked into the darkest of arts. Oakhand knew that the only way to keep his people alive was to spare them the pain of the plague and gift them with living death. Deacon started with necromancy but knew that once he died, his people would wither away as spirits. When people started to die, he brought them back as spectral forms. Eventually his whole mountain empire died but just didnt know it, he kept them thinking that life was the same as it had always been. He kept himself hidden away so his weary age would not ruin his illusion of eternal life for his people. As Deacon neared death, he performed one last act of necromancy, on himself. Deacon Oakhand imbued his body with death to become a lich, he remained undead, locked in his castle so his people could continue to carry on in their spectral illusion. He is the fifth king of Galfin but had no heirs, his province is now an ungoverned land that is too treacherous to rule but any other than the Lich He ddn't want his people to die from a plague so he cursed the entire town and himself with immortaility. He did this so Fogholt would be able to live forever. Thinking they all survived the plague, his people don't even realize they were dead. 157
  Uther and his friends came to discover more about the fogholt plague. When they entered the mountain kingdom, the spectral beings treated them as if they were alive. On their travels there, the group partnered with a lone blade ogre left in the mountains sworn to a life of loyalty since birth to the mountain king. He wished to know if his master was still alive. They climbed the walls of the tiered city to enter the throne room. They find out that Deacon became a lich to channel his energy into the people of his city, keeping them in a perpetual state of dead and alive. He wanted to save them from the plague that started near Fogholt. The Fogholt plague was misnamed and fogholt has gone down in infamy as the beginning of the plague that lasted over 200 years. The blade tells his master that the plague has been cured by wizards and doctors. Deacon the lich is overcome with emotino, so much so that his magic connection wavers. A young spectral boy playing near the throne briefly flashes back into existance. Deacon tells that he can let go and his people will survive under his son Deckard, the mountain prince. Deacon lift his curse on all his people, a large enrgy surge releases as apillar of blue light shoots out form the mountian. All the people who were spectres come back to life as if nothing happened. The young boy phases into existance to see an old decrepid man in his fathers throne. He hesitantly walks over to the man. "Deckard" Deacon looks into his son's eyes. The boy recognizes the glare of his king and father. The boy is in shock. The king tries to explain that he had to protect his people and now that he is no longer connected to the life force keeping him alive. Creating a powerful time loop around us where we would remain safe. The boy looks for a moment at his aged father, then hugs him tightly. Osiris asks if Deacon knows where the plague began, as he is searching for closeure for how his mother died. Deacon informs him that a lone traveller arrived with chilled skin and burn marks all over his body. The man asked for some water and touched the hands of the woman helping him. A day later he was dead, a week later the entire lower tier was sick and the chill was spreading. Within a month, thousands had died and there was no end in sight. A few blamed Deacon for his practice of darker forms of magic, they left and spread the plague and the rumours to the realm. Soon enough the entire realm had to deal with the pandemic. Most of the lower tier had died and the middle tier of the city had mostly caugh the chills. Deacon had locked himself in his castle with his healers. Many people in the city rioted because they thought their king was hiding away keeping himself healthy. This was the farthest thign from the truth. Healers contracted theplague whenever they tried to help, Deacon set out to find a magical cure to the plague and since the healers and his research could not find anything, he performed the unthinkable. He connected the life force of every citizen in his kingdom to keep himself alive while he killed everyone with a spell and kept them in a state of undeath through the life force in his body. He channels the life force though a large crystal chandelier above the throne. His energy was slowly dissipating back to the people in the city. They would awake and still have the chills, thus recreating the chance of a pandemic again. Ava chimed in to say taht she could stop the plague. Her mother died of it as well and once they cured it on a realm wide scale, she took trips to Master Boto Silverstaff in the Magi Guild when she was young, she read about their method and started learning how to heal after his teachings. She could neautralize the plague within the people of Fogholt. Deacon gathered his soldiers, theywere shocked at his appearance. He commanded them to get everyone in the kingdom to line up to be healed. He briefly told them that they are now 200 years older and they need to inform the citizens of this. The world has changed dramatically. it took 2 days but Ava stuck through it. She healed each person, one at a time, rarely taking a break. The king's life was slipping away as more of his peoples life force dissipated from the crystal above. the bright blue was now mostly grey. as dusk fell, the last two victims of the plague entered the great hall. The king was almost dead at this point but he looked up and gave a small smile to his people. an old man in a cloak and an armored mercenary looking guy in black armor. The old man looked up to the crystal. he reached his hand out to be healed by Ava. She pulled his sleeves up and jumped back. He had grey skin with spiral etchings carved into his skin, his fingernails were sharp and looked like stone. She looked up at his hood. "What are you" "The sickneess" his eyes lit up blue and blue fire erupted from his hands as he grabbed ava's wrists. the fire encompassed her arms as the fire simultaneosly froze and burned her arms, she screamed in pain. Deacon's smile faded. Osirs caught her as she fell back. Buckeye, Phlox, Quill, Cassius and Ghi'Boh-Ris, prefers Boris, stand in the way. The armored merc walks up and begins to transform. His intricately connected armored pieces unlock and move to his new shape, an armored were stands before the team. A fight ensues the it takes the whole team to fight off the wolf. Deacon's eyes do not leave the grey skinned man. The man takes off his robes to show an old, scarred face. The gery man kneels down and touches the ground. A black ooze appears from the point of contact. the black sludge looks like a spider but crawls as if it is a severed hand trying to find it's host. the hand crawls towards teh young mountain prince. Deacon struggles to stand as guards rush in to deal with the commotion. Deacon belloews "NO!" as he draws power from his weakened crystal. He points down as energy flows formt eh chandeleir to Deacons hand. he fires a bolt of blue electricty at teh ooze that is nearing his son. The sludge becaomes trapped in a temporal time loop. slowly dying in a time sped up bubble. Deacon began blasting bolt at the grey man but he mvoed too quickly, the temporal bubbles were striking the walls of the castle. The armored werewolf knocked down everyone except cassius, who was still weak from his yandu addiction. cassius backed up as the werewolf slashed away. cassius became imaterail on contact and the wolf kept missing, being fed up wit those tricks, the werewolf reached for his sword and hesitated. He then unsheathed his large greatsword, a great sword familiar to the group. Cassius looked into the eyes of the beast and whispered "Rhaynol." The werewolf swung the broad side of the silver sword with such force that cassius flew across the room, almost hitting a temporal bubble. Quill ran over to help him. Buckeye and Osiris saw the silver sword being put away. They both stood up to their old friend. He looked away from them and began towards Deacon's son. Rhaynol swatted away guards who stood in his way. He quickly grabbed the boy as deacon missed the grey man again. Everyone stopped fighting as Rhaynol picked up the prince. Deacon looked mad but stopped blasting. He asked for his son back. Rhaynol pointed up to the crystal. Deacon stared him down and then proceeded to lower the crystal chandelier. The grey man walked up and placed his hand on the crystal. "Ive waited over 200 years to claim your kingdom, all for this crystal." Deacon looked confused. The grey man smiled "I just didnt tihnk you would come up with that spell, That was clever to stop time. But it had to end sometime and I came here as soon as I saw that beacon of life force erupt into the sky. Once your spell wore off, I was able to enter again." "again?" "I came to your border eyars ago and sent a traveller in to thin the heard, to start a plague within your kingdom. Little did I know it would cause a realm wide pandemic. Either way, it was fun to watch." Suddenly Rhaynol has a shadow spike driven through his shoulder as he dropped the prince, the grey man looked over and Deacon took advantage. The mountain king blasted the man into a temporal bubble. He looked in pain and slowly became petrified. Rhaynol hobbled away holding his shoulder and walking towards his stone master. Rhaynol was surrounded by his old friends as the king sat on the throne, his son heloing him down. Deacon was taking his final breaths as the rocks started withering away. not to dust but to a new body of a much younger grey man. he burst out from the bubble and the rock. He grabbed Rhaynol's sword and threw it across the room, impaling the dying king. his head dropped down as teh crystal shot one final beam into the sky. It did not hit the stained glass at the top, it struck the structure of the throne room. The pillarws were weakened and aged from Deacons attacks. The building began crumbling around them teh guards all woke on the final burst of life energy, they started running towarsd teh exit, leading the prince out. Boris grabbed Rhaynol's longsword and carried the old kings body over his shoulder. The grop ran out as the large pillars fell. They were almost hit and ended up on the ground. They watch a large pilar collapse onto the guards and prince. They yelled for them to move but it was too late. At the moment of impact somehting extraordinary happened. The guards and prince wisped into blue spectral forms of themselves for the impact, to their surprise they were untouched by the killing blow. The guards hurried the boy prince now king out of the throne room. The group got up and ran for the exit. A large stone brick above the door started to slide down on the exit. The grey man was admiring his new crystal. The group was going to have to jump to make, they leaped but the brick fell too fast. they saw teh shadow looming over them. Suddenyl it stopped to a grunt and snarl. Rhaynol had caight the brick with his good shoulder. Boris ran under with the king while the groupd scurried out, Buckeye catching one last glimpse of a sad look in Rhaynol's eye. As the dust settled. the town stood around as Boris lay down King Deacon on a piles of stones.
  The Revival of Fogholt led to the death of their monarch the Mountain King Deacon Oakhand and the rise of the Undying Mountain King / Dead Mountain Prince Deckard Oakhand.
  Boris the blade ogre was relieved of his oath, though he asked to stay on as the Undying King's royal guard, Boris now uses Rhaynol Grimbind's greatsword.
  Oakhand symbol is a blue herring
  The herring swims upstreams and is one of teh few natural sources of meat in the lonely mountain kingdom.


Jaggedking Deacon Oakhand


Towards Yeva Ezyni

Yeva Ezyni


Towards Jaggedking Deacon Oakhand

Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
2 AHM 49 AHM 47 years old
Yeva Ezyni (spouse)
Other Affiliations