
small village on Basilika
  Jomzois is a desolate hamlet located on a small island in the Basilika province of Pacura. The village is home to mostly Pacuran people, who are deeply devoted to the worship of Sootha. It is situated in a bleak savanna, a harsh and unforgiving landscape marked by dry grasses and withered trees. The sky is often overcast and the air is heavy with the salt of the nearby sea.
  The Stormblood of this place is Eelisma, a fierce and unpredictable force that shapes the rhythms of daily life. The villagers know that the storm can bring both bounty and destruction, and they are constantly at its mercy.
  At the heart of Jomzois is a massive, intricately carved stone statue, which serves as both a landmark and a symbol of the village. The statue is a testament to the village's long and storied history, and it is said that the figure depicted in the stone represents the first ancestor of the Pacuran people. The statue is weathered and worn, its surface pitted and cracked by the elements, but it still stands tall and proud, a testament to the strength and resilience of the people who call Jomzois home.
  Life in Jomzois is hard and often bleak, but the people who live there are fiercely devoted to their community and to their gods. The island's isolation has fostered a deep sense of self-reliance, and the villagers have learned to make the most of the meager resources that the land and sea provide. Despite the hardships they face, the people of Jomzois are proud and resilient, and they will do whatever it takes to protect their home and their way of life.
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