Karath Stormgaze

Karath is a tall and muscular Vohkin with piercing blue eyes and long, wild black hair that is beginning to gray. He wears a suit of battered plate armor, adorned with a blue and gold tabard bearing the symbol of the storm. He carries a massive greatsword strapped to his back.   Karath Stormgaze is a veteran warrior who fought in the wars against the ogre hordes that threatened the Ivorian Heathlands in years past. He rose through the ranks of the town guard and was eventually elected as the town's leader. Karath was a stern and no-nonsense leader who put the safety and prosperity of his people above all else. Karath is an ally of the Bronze Bull Dominus Rawlin as well Karson Zinar. Karson was his ward and eventually seceded him at Cinnead Chief of this region with the Ivorian Heathlands.   Karath is a gruff and serious individual who values loyalty and hard work. He is not one for small talk or pleasantries, preferring to get straight to the point. He cares deeply for the people of Rageus and will do whatever it takes to protect them. His brother Krat is a trained soldier as well but now uses his skills as a warrior to maintain order within the prison under the Kragen Keep.   As the former leader of Rageus, Karath was responsible for overseeing the town's defence and managing its resources. He worked closely with the local blacksmiths and miners to ensure that the town had the weapons and equipment it needed to fend off any threats that were raised. He now serves as a judge in legal disputes and has the final say in important town matters.   Karson refers to his mentor Karath for advice.


Krat Stormgaze - Block Captain


Towards Karath Stormgaze


Karath Stormgaze


Towards Krat Stormgaze - Block Captain


Current Location