Kerrian Magocracy

The Kerrian Magocracy is the government of the Kerri province, which is led by Hamon. The Kerrian elves are a peaceful, knowledge-seeking race, who have shifted away from their natural wood elf cousins towards a more human-made style. The Kerrian Magocracy is focused on the protection and preservation of the forest and its inhabitants, as well as the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. They are known for their powerful magic, and many of the leaders of the Magocracy are skilled in the arcane arts.
  They had strong connection with the Tree mother Kishar, and many of the people in the province follow this deity but the Magocracy moves away from worship of nature deities.. The Magocracy is responsible for the protection of Kerri and the regulation of trade and commerce within the province, ensuring the well-being of the people of Kerri.
  The Kerrian Magocracy is a form of government in which the ruling power is held by a council of powerful mages, led by the Archmage. These mages, who are all members of the Kerrian elves, are responsible for making decisions and laws that govern the people of Kerri. The Archmage is the leader of this council and holds the highest position of power, being the most powerful of all the mages in the Magocracy. The Kerrian elves under this government value knowledge and learning and have a strong emphasis on the study and use of magic in their daily lives. The Magocracy works to maintain the balance between the natural and magical world, and they use their powers to protect and preserve their homeland, Kerri.
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