Saavi Oveluus

Saavi Oveluus moved through the crowd with a practiced ease, his guise as a humble merchant concealing the razor-sharp intellect that had earned him the title of Spymaster of the Kerrian Elves. With a keen eye for detail and a mind that thrived on secrets, Saavi was a master of deception, gathering information with the subtlety of a shadow. His outward demeanour was one of quiet grace, but beneath that facade lay a formidable strategist, capable of twisting the course of events with a single whispered word. To him, the world was a complex web of connections, and he delighted in pulling the threads, watching as the intricate patterns unfolded to his advantage. Despite his disdain for those she deemed inferior, Saavi played his role to perfection, navigating the courts with the same precision as she would a delicate piece of espionage. His true power, however, lay not in her ability to blend in, but in the secrets he kept—and the devastation he could unleash if ever they were revealed.
  Spymaster torturer/noble of the magocracy
  You travel as a simple noble of the Kerrian Elves, invited alongside the Archmage Harmon. Both you and him know that you are not what they say. You are another weapon alongside the warrior being brought along. You may be able to damage someone more than any soldier as you can scar victims for life. You look down on most races but make due with your elven cousins. The only one you really treat worse is the Bayooan elves of the Mire, they simply repulse you with their lizard-like tendencies and lack of magic. The horse carriages are being pulled behind by rhinos
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