Krysta Miloest

Kricia's middle sister who took over as Stormblood of Milos   Krysta Miloest is the charismatic and alluring leader of the island of Milos, chosen as the new Stormblood. With her striking natural beauty and enchanting charm, she embodies the essence of the island and its people. The inhabitants of Milos are known for their attractiveness, and Krysta is no exception, captivating all who encounter her.   Beyond her captivating appearance, Krysta possesses a strong and determined personality. As the Stormblood leader, she is passionate about protecting her island and its inhabitants from external threats. She is known for her resourcefulness and adaptability, harnessing the power of the storms that surround Milos to defend her people and ensure their prosperity.   Krysta Miloest is a figure of both beauty and strength, commanding the respect and loyalty of the islanders as she navigates the challenges that come with her role as the Stormblood leader of Milos.   This battle is being dubbed as the Rising Tempest, as this will be the first time since Oceanus Tempest himself gave equal birthright to his 10 children that there will be an undisputed leader of the seas. A coronation was held on Hydri, the first home of Oceanus and where the King's Tomb is located. All the remaining Stormbloods gathered to bless the rise of a new Ocean King. Diggory of Eidon, as well as his only son were killed by Eelisma and Thormund. A few remaining citizens that lived through the hellfire as well as some of the mudguards arrived to bear witness. Miles the Mudman could be seen behind the crowd selling mud pies. Quinn of Kyra, assisted on her casted leg by Condor. She was wounded by the powerful Lord Thormund in the Battle of the Rising Tempest. Maximus of Hydri, wearing the ancient ceremonial armor of his ancestor. Next to his wife and child, Kricia and Illia. The soon to be crowned Ocean King. Kricia of Milos, is soon to be crowned the Ocean Queen so her younger sister Krysta becomes the new Stormblood. Krysta stood next to her older sister in awe of what had happened in a few short months. Ivan of Ios, Stormblood with his mainland wife Raven and their family. They had workers carefully lay Parsellax to rest on the hills of Hydri. Cortez was next to his old captain Ivan and being uncharacteristically quiet. Winella of Kinaros, accompanied by her granddaughter Winni. Both looked elegant as they represented two different generations of rulers of Pacura. Brunhild of Gyaron, holding the hand of her battle weary mother Valda. Brunhild is the oldest daughter of Tayne, she is clearly distraught as she holds her tears in check over her missing brothers and dead father. Eelisma of Basilika, killed by Henri Sallya is without an heir. Maximus will decide what to do with this island now that the war is over. Rumours are of a shrine honoring Sootha, something that should have been on all the islands as she was all the stormblood's great ancestor. Therakles of Typhon, a young 3 year old bears a heavy weight as he can see his father chained up for his crimes. He is quietly crying out for his mother. A caretaker holds his hand and comforts the boy. Borigan of Zephyr, escaped aboard the Rosebud towards the mainland, no living heir to dispute Maximus' claim. The Stormbloods walks up except Winella, she quietly passes the mantle of leader onto her 20 year old grandaughter, Winny. Winella places the blue flag into her heir's hand then the old woman places her hand on top of Winy's to close it gently. Each Stormblood brings their blue flag of parlay and places it at their king's feet, giving their loyalty to follow him as one nation. Each of the 6 remaining Stormbloods: Quinn, Winny, Krysta, Brunhild, and Therakles hold their blues flags emblazoned with the symbol of their individual nation. Conch shells blare as the new king is sworn in. Azalea, Iggy's wife from Kyra, is the designated keeper of the kings armor as well as his weapon. Her family has kept these treasures safe for generations. She gave him the armor when it was clear that his claim would not be contested by the overwhelming amount of stormbloods you helped gather on his side. As the conch songs settled, she approached him with a dark silver trident that had rosegold tips atop its spikes. She gifted him the Imperious Trident, a weapon his ancestor used to free the ancient men from oppression. He carefully takes it from the citizen of his nation and closes his eyes. He lifts the trident up as the new Ocean King. "All Pacurans are whole once more, for the first time in 10 generations our people unite under one Pacuran banner. Any who seek to seperate us will feel the wrath of the sea itself. I wear this armor to show I am here to defend my country. This trident is meant to show my power over the ones I rule. I am not Thormund, Borigan, Branahan or Thresh. You the people are my power for I would not be here without you. I promise to use the power you have given me to allow Pacura a seat in the hall of kings where we will receive our fair share within the High King's quarters. You the people are why I stand before you now. This weapon is a sacred piece of our history and I accept this gift". Maximus looks to Therakles, he then looks to his cousin Thormund. "You are charged with treason against your king and against your people, with the power given to me by my blood, the justice distributed to me through the 6 kings of Galfin, the heart you stole from the people of Eidon and the duty passed down through our great ancestor, I sentence you to death." Maximus stabs thormund through the chest. Three puncture wounds easily cut through Thormund's black and gold armor. Max picks up the blue flags of parlay, wipes the blood from his trident with the flag bearing the Typhon logo and hands it down to Therakles. Max leans down to the boy and says "In the name of Pacura, I grant you permission to live. For boys are not guilty of their fathers mistakes."   Thormund lay on the ground spitting up blood. Maximus looked to Ivan, who hated Thormund, Maximus nodded as Ivan took out his cutlass and decapitated Thormund. He then walks around the circle and gives the flags back to their respective Stormbloods. The ceremony wraps up as Max makes his way over to the party. "My war is finished but i fear your's is not. I cannot thank you enough for the assistance you have given the people of Pacura. I hearby honor you by declaring you Heroes of the Rising Tempest. You are now honorary citizens of Pacara. If you ever need to sail and a Pacuran is aboard that ship, they will give you free passage to anywhere in the world you would like to go. I also task you with one more bounty, if you see Borigan as he runs from my wrath, if you capture him, I will pay you out 2000 gp each. As I said, my fight may be over but you four breed trouble. I hereby gift you the Imperius Trident as a thank you for what you have done for us. I'm sending the remaining mudguard back with you to Eidon, Mako will be waiting there for you, we have something special for you to see". Before you set sail from Hydri, the remaining stormbloods catch up to you at the Gobsnapper, which Izil, Skalden, Franny and Stefan has sailed here from Ios after you guys teleported away. Each one of them thanks you for your heroic actions Kyra - Quinn kinalite hammer - arygos magnet boots - arygos Milos - Krysta cloud jumpers diplomatic seal - triss Ios - Ivan mortys broken cutlass - joseph book on the 10th generations of the 6 royal bloodlines - joe Kinaros - Winny caluan sand shield - triss bands of lost and found Gyaron - Brunhild rare magic item puck from ikibod's magic forge assassins mark - joe Typhon - Therakles ironshod trotters GSb Pet falcon and a necklace avian circlet, eagle lords glove GSB - sossari You sail to Eidon with the mudguards. Miles is also your boat.


Kricia Tempest


Towards Krysta Miloest


Krysta Miloest


Towards Kricia Tempest


Krysta Miloest


Towards Brandi Miloest


Brandi Miloest


Towards Krysta Miloest


Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Kricia Tempest (sister)
Brandi Miloest (sister)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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