Kyran Island Watch

The Kyran Island Watch is a dedicated group of guards tasked with maintaining the safety and security of the boat-making island of Kyra, situated within the nation of Pacura. Committed to the protection of their island and its inhabitants, these diligent guardians stand as a formidable force against any threats that may arise.
  With a deep knowledge of the island's unique challenges and the intricacies of boat-making, the members of the Kyran Island Watch possess specialized skills tailored to their environment. They are trained in both maritime defense and the art of island warfare, ready to respond swiftly and effectively to any potential dangers.
  The Kyran Island Watch serves as a symbol of strength and resilience, ensuring the smooth operation of boat production and safeguarding the interests of Kyra. Their unwavering dedication to duty and their commitment to the island's safety make them a respected presence within the Pacuran nation.
Notable Members