
Sailor's Respite
  In the bustling maritime city of Kyra, where the salty breeze mingles with the scent of freshly built ships, the rhythm of life is orchestrated by the skilled hands of the Shipbuilders of Kyra. Clad in distinctive orange garments, these exceptional sailors and shipbuilders navigate the bustling docks with a mastery honed over generations.
  The shipyard of Kyra, a testament to the island's maritime prowess, resonates with the symphony of hammers, ropes, and the creaking of wooden hulls. The shipwrights breathe life into impounded boats, transforming them into vessels that dance upon the azure waves. The jewel of Kyra's harbor, the gold hued ship named the Golden Fleece, proudly docks amidst a sea of maritime marvels.
  Excellent sailors.
  Ship builders.
  Orange clothes.
  Tourist trip for mainlanders
  Cuba + Bluenose place
  Marina with hundreds of docked boats Luxury area where the crown jewel, the golden fleece is docked. Blacksmith is owner by Ordic the halfling
  Twoeyes runs an enchantery but is threatened by the new man Boris Silverstaff. Boris is the cousin of Remus and Boto
  Boris is a member of the seekers and works for remus
  Inn is a two story bar and housing
  Gallows by the shore is a public spectacle
  Quinn's mother died in the mutiny of the stormblood Where every nation formed together to form one navy.
  Powercreep happened and corruption took control of the fleet. 23 years before the current year, Quinn was 4 years old, a low ranking sailor gained a following and the heart of the people. Quinn's mother Kindra died in the brutalist of the battles. She fought alongside the man who's memory and name is somehow lost to the people who loved him.
  This man had a first hand who wrote all his letters, he trusted this man with his deepest secrets, only Henrii knew that captain Mortimer was heir to the high king throne.
  Young shipbuilders supe up impounded boats and sell them at auction Mako is a ship builder as well as a wayfarer.
  The are bungalows for tourists where islanders work for tips.
  Grub Shoemaker is a mercenary on vacation
  Captain Dublin is judgemental
  Quinn is an agreesive, short-tempered leader
  Johnny mcInCharge is the marina chief
  Delicious Iguana Jam is run by Iggy and his wonderful Wife Azalea, named for the wild flowers growing near her birthplace. Iggy was a sailor 30 years ago, joined the great mutineers but was detained in the ship that was eventually taken by captain scruffy beard.
  Sroirvaq Kyra Province Pacura Batgoblin Basinthwa 7957 403
  Klear Kyra Province Pacura Batgoblin Church of Dhara 7306 261
  The crew then made it to Kyra, the ship building island. Their ship got impounded and due to the party ignoring the guards, some of your crew was taken to the gallows. You meandered around town meeting some magical shopkeeps. Two Eyes and Boris Silverstaff. Two Eyes gave you a prophecy of “Beware the Basilisk”. Captain Dublin called Iona ugly. Two-Eyes runs an enchantery named Wizbops but is threatened by the new man Boris Silverstaff. Boris is the cousin of the legendary Remus and Boto Silverstaff. Boris is an undercover member of the Seekers and is close with his cousin. Christopher gets some work done by the Ordum, the Halfling that owns the Obvious Blacksmith.
  Henri closed his eyes and tried to let his memories lead him. He met a lovely couple named Iggy and Azalea, Iggy once sailed for Kyra on a Dhow ship but after his crew turned on him, he settled down to focus on his Delicious Iguana Jam. This was a disappointing discovery to the initials D.I.J carved into the Gobsnapper. You meet Quinn for the first time as she announces the public execution of Mart and Dikard. You distract them in time to save Dikard the goblin. Due to some evil machinations and lying to Captain Dublin, Iona accidentally caused the arrests of Two-Eyes and Boris. Christopher loots Boris’ shop and finds the Sword of the Seekers. Boris was wearing Seeker garbs when he was taken down to the gallows. The two wizards were hung in front of the town. Iona had a kill order placed on her head by her old faction for her misdeeds.
  Iona made a pact with Terrowmaw, the god of mischief to alter her face. All she needed was to make a sacrifice at an altar of an ogre, goblin or orc. Any foulspawn. Her face was forever changed and she began going by Moira Henri learned from Quinn, the Stormblood of Kyra, that 30 years ago the strong nations teamed up against the weak and took up a fascist control of the islands. A young sailor named Mortimer started a revolution, the Great Mutiny to rally the weak to defeat the strong. Quinn told that her mother died in that war. Talk to Jonathan McIncharge who is the Marina Chief, it gets you nowhere and you discuss stealing the Golden Fleece, Quinn’s mother’s legendary ship that fought in the Great Mutiny. After some shenanigans (such as putting gunpowder in all the guards’ pockets) and finding your ship being upgraded in the auction yard, the party breaks their ship out of an auction yard with a ship builder by the name of Mako.
  During the battle Snerz got roped up on the docks. A drowning guard pushed a flaming barrel in front of the escaping Gobsnapper. Snerz picked up a cannonball and jumped into the water to neutralize the gunpowder. The remaining guards took aim on the Gobsnapper and aimed the mortars. As the ship was about to be fired upon, Snerz revealed that he had retained the teachings of Sossori and wild shaped his way into the hearts of the party.
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