La Belle Marée

Ship of the Baudelaire fleet, run by Phillipe
  The Baudelaire ship arrives in the Gallow’s Sway.
  “This ship sailin' in be of Belcoursian make, an heirloom of the esteemed Baudelaire fleet. I trained in battle alongside their kin when I was but a young blade.”
  As the frigate gracefully enters the bay, all eyes are drawn to the magnificent flagship, La Belle Marée. This grand vessel, the epitome of maritime elegance, is a sight to behold. Its pristine white sails billow majestically against the fog of the Sway, guided by the skilled hands of the crew. The hull, a masterwork of craftsmanship, gleams in the sunlight, adorned with intricate carvings.
  From bow to stern, La Belle Marée exudes an air of refinement and sophistication. The cabins, lined with rich mahogany, offer luxurious accommodations fit for royalty. The captain's quarters, situated at the helm, boast a commanding view of the sea and are adorned with navigational charts, intricate compasses, and a collection of treasured artifacts from distant lands.
  The ship is equipped with state-of-the-art navigation instruments, ensuring precise maneuverability in even the most challenging waters. A crow's nest perched atop the main mast allows for sweeping vistas, keeping a watchful eye on the horizon for any signs of danger or adventure.
  As La Belle Marée sails into the bay, it commands attention and evokes awe among all who witness its grandeur. It is a vessel that embodies the spirit of exploration, fortune, and the legacy of the Baudelaire fleet.