Linden Shandur

speaker of Raven's crest out on a missive. Father to Lydia and Bryn
  Linden Shandur is the esteemed Speaker of Raven's Crest, a position of great responsibility and leadership in the town. As the father of Lydia and Bryn Shandur, he is not only a figure of authority but also a caring and devoted parent. Linden's absence from the town indicates that he is currently away on an important mission or errand, tending to matters that concern the well-being and prosperity of Raven's Crest. Known for his wisdom, diplomacy, and fair judgment, Linden has earned the respect and admiration of the townsfolk. His role as Speaker involves making crucial decisions, mediating disputes, and ensuring that the voice of the people is heard and represented.
  Linden harbours a dark secret that weighs heavily upon him. Behind his sternn lies a hidden knowledge about the town and its relationship with the Church of Eisyn, the god of Life. Linden's mysterious nature stems from the burden of this secret, which he guards closely to protect the people of Raven's Crest. Though he appears reserved and distant, his actions are driven by the deep sense of duty and responsibility he feels towards his town and its inhabitants. Linden's strictness is a reflection of his commitment to upholding order and maintaining the delicate balance within the community. While the details of his secret remain unknown, it is clear that Linden's involvement with the Church of Eisyn has shaped his character and influenced his decisions. As the Speaker, he understands the importance of preserving the well-being and stability of Raven's Crest, even if it means shouldering the weight of hidden truths.


Audra Shandur


Towards Linden Shandur


Linden Shandur


Towards Audra Shandur


Current Location
Audra Shandur (Wife)
Ruled Locations