Lior A'Dasyn

Land of Light
  The forests of Lior A'Dasyn are a stark contrast to the grassy plains of Nu Maroch, with towering trees and lush undergrowth creating a verdant canopy overhead. The Moonlight dark elves who call this province home are a peaceful people, skilled in the arts of magic and healing. Their buildings are made of natural materials, such as timber and slate, blending seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. The homes of Lior A'Dasyn are typically large and spacious, with high ceilings and intricate carvings adorning the walls. The dark elves of this province are known for their skilled craftsmanship, producing beautiful works of art and finely crafted weapons and armor. The Moonlight dark elves of Lior A'Dasyn are not to be underestimated, with powerful light magic at their disposal and a deep connection to the natural world.
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