Lo Caoldegrim

Lo Caoldegrim is a sprawling industrial complex that dominates the landscape of the Ming'Ye military district. Massive smokestacks tower above the complex, belching clouds of black smoke that fill the sky. The sound of hammers striking metal rings out across the area, punctuated by the hiss of steam and the roar of furnaces.   The buildings of Lo Caoldegrim are made of gray stone and metal, their windows barred and their doors heavily reinforced. High walls topped with razor wire surround the complex, and watchtowers equipped with powerful spotlights are positioned at strategic intervals. Guards armed with swords and rifles patrol the grounds, and the occasional blast of a steam whistle signals a shift change.   Inside the complex, massive machines stamp out weapon components with terrifying speed and precision, while teams of craftsmen work at blazing forges, shaping red-hot metal with their hammers. Conveyor belts transport the finished components to assembly areas, where skilled technicians and engineers put them together into deadly weapons of war. Despite the noise and heat, there is a sense of purpose and order to the chaos of the factory floor, a testament to the efficiency and skill of the workers who keep the Manastrife Union's armies well-supplied.   Large weapon manufacturing stronghold and facility for the weapons of the Manastrife Union.   Located near the Captain district near the water to access cooling from the sea.
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