
For centuries, Mossfoot carried the weight of the forest's rhythm within his ancient boughs, serving as the Wakener of the Woods. As the sun's first light broke through the canopy each day, it was Mossfoot's duty to ensure that the flowers unfurled and the animals stirred, greeting the dawn with renewed life. His moss-covered form, weathered by time yet steadfast in purpose, embodied the deep connection between the forest's creatures and the natural cycles that sustained them.
  But with the recent Conveyance of the Green, Mossfoot's long watch came to an end. He passed his sacred title to Liluum Branchfighter, the matriarch of the Oakenthicket. Mossfoot laid himself to rest in the hallowed Botanoron, confident that the task of waking the woods now rested in capable hands. The sun may shine as brightly as ever, but for Mossfoot, the time had come to let another carry the torch, guiding the forest's mornings with the same care and reverence he had shown for countless years.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
187 AHM
Other Affiliations