Cathedral Grovekin of the Botanoron

The Cathedral Ents are a group of five powerful treants that are charged with the protection and preservation of the Botanoran, an ancient and gigantic tree that is considered to be a sacred site among the Oakenfolk. Each of the Cathedral Ents holds a specific title and responsibility within the group: the Wakener of the Woods is responsible for making sure the flowers and animals of the forest wake each day; the Shepherd of the White Herd is the direct connection to the Tree Mother Kishar, the patron deity of the forests of Galfin; the Protector of the Grove is the leader of the Oakenfolk and is responsible for keeping his kin and all that reside within the forest safe from harm; the Botanical Archdruid is the treant who can mend any plant, grow any shrub, and find any herb, they are the utmost master of all things green and growing; the Greendreamer of the Botonoron remains in the Botonoron, they tend to the planted elders and ensure their spirits live on through the roots of Incantum. They are entrusted with the protection of the Botanoran and the forest in which surrounds it.

Articles under Cathedral Grovekin of the Botanoron