
Navad is a town of stone and shadow, its architecture blending with the surrounding woods. The population is a mix of Wyndan and Terra Aelfe, who share a common faith in Stablos, God of Stone. The settlement is located at the edge of a deciduous forest, where the constant ocean breeze brings a chill to the air and the trees sway with the potential of harsh winds. This is a port town with lots of ships unloading onto smaller vessels to sail up the Red River to deliver goods to settlements further inland of the Ivorian Heathlands.
  The leader of Navad is Galagos Tung who guides the inhabitants with a steady hand. The town is surrounded by a massive and intricate wall made of enchanted stone, which keeps the settlement safe from the dangers of the surrounding woods. The atmosphere is dreary and foreboding, with an eerie quiet that permeates the air. The locals are a reserved and contemplative people, reflecting the somber mood of their home. Galagos resides in the nearby Kragen Keep, a massive castle that absorbs much of the resources the Tung family has amassed.