
Small rich village on Kinaros
  Neste is a village of serenity and natural beauty. Located in a lush warm temperate rainforest, the village is a haven for those seeking healing and restorative properties found in the many hot springs and geysers that dot the landscape. The village's population, made up of mostly Pacuran, Vohkin and Wyndan, worships the god Dhara, and many believe that the hot springs and geysers are a blessing from the divine.
  The village is led by a wise and respected Elder, who serves as a spiritual guide and mediator for the community. The villagers live in harmony with the natural surroundings, with many of them practicing traditional farming and hunting methods passed down through generations.
  Neste's port is a bustling center of trade and commerce, with merchants and traders from all over Pacura arriving to exchange goods and stories. The village's isolation on an island surrounded by the sea has allowed it to maintain its unique character and traditional way of life, while also inviting visitors to experience the beauty and tranquility of the village's hot springs and natural wonders.
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