
The featherbloods are a bird-like race who originate from Nesthaven; the southern half of Dynastes. The sub-races of the featherbloods are the wild bicardin, the militaristic high eagles, the shady ravenhearts, the brave hawken and the decrepid skavagers. Some of the bird-like race stay in Nesthaven even though the black sun elves use them as cheap labor and servants. The ones that have ventured away from Dynastes have found home elsewhere. The bicardin mostly live in the Mooncrest Woods where they formed the Cardinalhood, a group of rangers who protect the woods. The skavagers have found themselves a suitable home in the Charmsand Desert where they pick on unwary travellers. The ravenhearts have mostly remained in Nesthaven, doing the bidding of the tyrannical black sun elves only to avoid further violence. Finally, The high eagles and hawken are the largest of the featherblood race and make up most of the Windrider Army, this army is the only fighting hope to regain featherblood dignity in Nesthaven.
  Peaceful people who serve black sun elves so no violence occurs, the windroders are the military might and are planning to destroy the courtyard. Featherbloods used as free workers to find rare plants for dark magic
  Live in villages under giant trees.
  Not really affectd by the outside world.
  It's not common for a featherblood to leave Nesthaven.
  Forced by black sun elves to "donate" resources or else the threat of war becomes real.
  Hollowbone capitol
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