Nodus Longshaper, Viscount of the Hill Clans

Hill dwarf viscount of the Dwarven court
  In charge of the main granite supply going into Skygarde.
  From the rolling expanse of the Barrowlands, where earth undulates in gentle, verdant swells, emerges Viscount Nodus Longshaper. As the Hill Dwarf representative of the Dwarven Viscourt, he is entrusted with overseeing the monumental task of providing Skygarde with its robust and steadfast granite — a stone as unyielding as his own character.
  Nodus stands as a symbol of the timeless endurance of the hills. His sun-kissed, brown skin resonates with the warmth of the soil he hails from. Hair, the shade of ripened grain fields, is combed over meticulously, contrasted by a majestic beard that flows like a cascading river. This beard, an embodiment of his age and wisdom, is adorned with metal cuffs and ornate medallions — each one signifying a chapter of his long and storied legacy.
  The pride of the Barrowlands, Nodus is a bridge between the age-old traditions of the hill dwarves and the ever-evolving realm of Skygarde. His appearance is a blend of rugged earthiness and refined elegance, mirroring the duality of his role: a guardian of the land and a key player in the grand stage of politics.
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