
Common Owl found in many different types around the world   The owl is a large, majestic bird of prey that is known for its intelligence and keen senses. It is a common sight in the forests and mountains of Galfin, and is respected by the people of the realm for its wisdom.   The owl's feathers are a soft, creamy white color, with a distinctive pattern of dark, chocolate brown markings. It has large, yellow eyes that seem to glow in the darkness, and a sharp, hooked beak that is used for hunting. The owl's wings are long and broad, allowing it to fly silently and effortlessly through the night sky.   Many sorcerers and wise women keep owls as familiars, and it is believed that the bird can grant them insight and guidance. The Cloudburst Coven uses a horned owl as their sigil.   The owl is a powerful and feared hunter, able to take down prey much larger than itself. It hunts mainly at night, using its excellent night vision and silent flight to stalk its prey. Its diet mainly consists of small mammals, birds, and insects.
Genetic Descendants

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