
medium town in Cronus  
  Paiscupo is a bustling, thriving town nestled in the heart of the Teslite province, surrounded by the majestic peaks of the magnetic mountains. The gnomes of Paiscupo are a hard-working, resourceful people, known for their skill in engineering and crafting. The town is dotted with workshops and factories where the gnomes produce a variety of goods, from finely crafted clockwork devices to sturdy farm implements.   The town is also home to a famous kinalite mine, a source of pride and prosperity for the gnomes. Kinalite is a rare and valuable material that is used to power machines and devices, and the mine in Paiscupo is one of the largest and most productive in the region. The gnomes trade and export kinalite to other communities, using the profits to fund new projects and innovations.   Paiscupo is connected to the outside world through a network of mountain passes and trails, and the town is a hub of activity for the region. Visitors are always welcome in Paiscupo, and the gnomes are a friendly and welcoming people, known for their hospitality and warm hearts. Whether you're looking to trade, learn, or simply enjoy the beauty of the mountains, Paiscupo is a place you'll always feel at home.
Large town
Location under