Plight of the Pangolin

The Plight of the Pangolin, a maritime marvel owned by House Tung, is a testament to both opulence and practicality. This imposing merchant vessel combines robust defensive capabilities with clever design, reflecting the Tung family's prowess in both commerce and political maneuvering.
  The ship's hull is adorned with intricate carvings of pangolin scales to represent the defensive and patient nature of the Tung family. The figurehead, a fearsome pangolin, is crafted with meticulous detail, serving as both a symbol of protection and a display of House Tung's wealth. The ship boasts a sleek and streamlined design, emphasizing speed without compromising cargo capacity.
  Strategically placed ballistae and catapults are visible along the ship's sides, manned by a skilled crew of mercenaries. These defensive measures ensure that the Plight of the Pangolin is not an easy target for would-be pirates. A retractable reinforced ram at the prow hints at the ship's readiness for tactical maneuvers in the unpredictable seas.
  The sails, a rich seafoam green with the insignia of House Tung, billow proudly in the wind. The rigging is a complex network of ropes and pulleys. Silk banners flutter from the masts, showcasing the family's colors and adding a touch of grandeur to the vessel's silhouette against the horizon.
  Below deck, the cargo holds are organized with military precision, ensuring efficient loading and unloading. The captain's quarters, adorned with fine tapestries and polished wood, speak of both luxury and functionality.
Owning Organization
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