Quartquell Tower - Skyreach

  stormblood of Zephyr castle made of stone and adorned in quartz
  The Quartquell Tower is a breathtaking stronghold of the Stormblood of Zephyr, towering over the surrounding countryside with its pristine white stone and sparkling quartz adornments. The tower is located on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a turbulent sea below. It is said that during a storm, the waves can reach all the way up to the base of the tower, making it feel like the very foundation of the structure is being shaken.
  At the base of the tower is a grand entrance, guarded by elite Zephyrn elites. The entrance leads to a wide, spiraling staircase that winds its way up through the tower's many levels. Along the way, the walls are lined with intricate carvings of Zephyr's many storms and the battles that have been fought in their wake.
  As you ascend higher into the tower, the air grows colder and the sound of the sea below becomes more distant. They pass through various levels of the tower, each one seemingly more grandiose than the last. The top level of the tower is a grand observatory, filled with crystal-clear lenses and intricate instruments for observing the weather.
  The Quartquell Tower feels like a place of power and danger, as if the very storms themselves are held at bay within its walls. Those who seek to challenge the Stormblood of Zephyr and their mastery of the elements would do well to approach with caution.
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