
Reldnon is a bustling city located in the heart of Wainwright. It is a melting pot of cultures, with both Hearthic and Centaur communities living side by side. The city is surrounded by a towering wall, which has helped protect it from Bone Ogre raids in the past. Reldnon is a center of trade and commerce, with markets full of exotic goods from faraway lands. Its streets are filled with merchants, traders, and adventurers looking to strike it rich.
  Population: 51,687, Size: 1,723 acres Demographics: Half-Orc (100%) Extra Details Nearby Points of Interest Wealth: 258,435,000 gp. Max value for sale: 17,057 gp. Max pawn value: 90,452 gp Detailed Demographics
  Reldnon is the headquarters of a major family or guild, and is known for its heavy-handed guards. Capital is ruled by a priest of the local religion (Uthûg Walpole, Male Half-Orc).
  Defenses: The capital is surrounded by rammed-earth walls. 369 trained warriors serve in the capital's defense, and a militia of 4698 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Murgen Dryden, Female Half-Orc.
  Tavern | Blacksmith | Alchemist | Jeweler | Enchanter | General Store | Cottage | House
  Shops Tavern: The Silent Hall Owner: Hrathy Reid, Female Half-Orc [Details]
  Location: In an adventurer's district. The street outside is watched by a squad of the town guard. Description: The tavern is a log cabin, with a blue tile roof and tile flooring. It contains large persian rugs on the floor and a large harp by the hearth. Quests and Rumors | Map Specials: Egg Ramen (3 sp) Chocolate Stew and a Mug of Perry (4 sp) Phoenix Ramen with Roasted Apple and a Tankard of Bitter (5 sp)
  Other Patrons: Kansif Gyula, Female Half-Orc [Details] Bolg Carlton, Male Half-Orc [Details] Ishgha Remington, Male Half-Orc [Details] Nagrette Beckwith, Female Half-Orc [Details] Nákra Everly, Male Half-Orc [Details] Norsko Appleton, Male Half-Orc [Details] Yevelda Snowdon, Female Half-Orc [Details] Arha Wharton, Female Half-Orc [Details] Hagren Kenley, Male Half-Orc [Details] Holg Garrick, Male Half-Orc [Details] Greeba Perry, Female Half-Orc [Details] Nazû Byron, Male Half-Orc [Details] Blacksmith: The Azer's Arsenal Owner: Shaká Langdon, Male Half-Orc [Details]
  Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside is a covered walkway with many twinkling lights. Description: The blacksmith is a brick rowhouse, with a tanned wooden roof and roughly hewn wooden furniture. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a number of small braziers and a large variety of metal tongs hanging on the walls. Map Specials: Shield, +1 (dmg 200) (1,466 gp) Sword of Vengeance (dmg 206) (1,394 gp) Mithral Armor (dmg 182) (780 gp)
  Other Patrons: Engong Walpole, Female Half-Orc [Details] Nella Read, Female Half-Orc [Details] Golm Churchill, Male Half-Orc [Details] Ugol Huckabee, Male Half-Orc [Details] Alchemist: Wondrous Eye Owner: Ilga Royston, Female Half-Orc [Details]
  Location: In a market quarter. The street outside has drunken revelers and has a beggar harassing passers-by. Description: The alchemist is a wooden tower, with a white tile roof and a big brick chimney. It contains a deck with chairs and a small serving area with glowing potions. Map Specials: Potion of Water Breathing (dmg 188) (175 gp) Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (48 gp) Potion of Climbing (dmg 187) (48 gp)
  Other Patrons: Shautha Presley, Female Half-Orc [Details] Kansif Rutherford, Female Half-Orc [Details] Yurk Darby, Male Half-Orc [Details] Kansif Wentworth, Female Half-Orc [Details] Jeweler: The Unicorn's Bijoux Owner: Kabbarg Yorke, Female Half-Orc [Details]
  Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is next to a large public square. Description: The jeweler is a timber framed simple building, with a gray tile roof and a small enclosed deck. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains cobwebs in the corners and a leather bound bag with hundreds of compartments on the counter. Strange and dank, kind of run down. Map Specials: Ring of Resistance (dmg 192) (5,976 gp) Ring of Evasion (dmg 191) (4,873 gp) Ring of Water Walking (dmg 193) (1,458 gp)
  Other Patrons: Flak van Es, Male Half-Orc [Details] Bork Peyton, Male Half-Orc [Details] Akoth Preston, Male Half-Orc [Details] Enchanter: The Hag's Path Owner: Grai Pickering, Female Half-Orc [Details]
  Location: In a market quarter. The street outside is a covered walkway with many twinkling lights. Description: The enchanter is a stone-walled simple building, with a reinforced wooden door and shiny hardwood floors. It contains a deck with chairs and a globe with scribbled on leylines. Map Specials: Bag of Beans (dmg 152) (4,784 gp) Driftglobe (dmg 166) (726 gp) Ioun Stone, Mastery (dmg 176) (14,673 gp)
  Other Patrons: Mozû Clapham, Male Half-Orc [Details] Ûshbaka Acton, Male Half-Orc [Details] Arha Gresham, Female Half-Orc [Details] Zûmug Clayden, Male Half-Orc [Details] General Store: Ash-hill Satchel Owner: Skak Redfield, Male Half-Orc [Details]
  Location: In a civic quarter. The street outside contains a heroic monument and is filled with the smell of damp earth. Description: The general store is a wooden simple building, with several shuttered windows and a large cellar. It contains religious paraphernalia on the walls and jars of bulk candy on the counter. Strange and dank, kind of run down. Map Specials: Shovel (phb 150) (2 gp) Cobbler's Tools (phb 154) (25 gp) Mirror, Steel (phb 150) (5 gp)
  Other Patrons: Zagga Mitchell, Female Half-Orc [Details] Nagrette Kimberley, Female Half-Orc [Details] Gnarsh Norton, Male Half-Orc [Details] Feldûsh Clayden, Male Half-Orc [Details] Myev Barton, Female Half-Orc [Details] Housing Small Cottage Owner: Rûkdûg Morley, Male Half-Orc [Details] Map
  The house is a plaster and wood framed simple building, with a tanned wooden roof and a koi pond. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and chest. In one corner is an enclosed flame with simple cooking pot. A bunch of dried fruit hangs from the ceiling in long strands. Cruck House Owner: Nagrette Cason, Female Half-Orc [Details] Map
  The house is a concrete cabin, with a small fenced yard and a small enclosed deck. It contains 5 rooms total with 2 bedrooms, each containing a chest. The kitchen has a small firepit with a cauldron over the fire. Outside is a rack of cured meats that are hung in bundles from the rafters.
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