Rootfather Snakeroot

Rootfather Snakeroot

The wolf stalked through the forest, tracking a smell of blood. The seconds slowed as the gray beast crept towards it's prey. The smell grew stronger, the kill was close, on the other side of the brush. The Forest of Incantation fell silent for a moment... the wolf let out a ferocious growl and pounced into the brush. a loud 'Snap!' was heard and a knot untied, releasing a counterweight that pulled a vine-knitted net up and around the befuddled beast. The elaborate trap used a small candle that had the incense of wood elf blood. A short prayer to the Tree Mother was heard from the distance. The whimpering wolf was confused but listening intently. A deep inhale was faintly heard, followed by a strong exhale and a 'pfft!'. A dart flew through the leaves. The poison dart struck the grey monster's neck with pinpoint accuracy. The dart contained sap from a twistbranch; causing instant paralysis. It's vision became hazy as the wolf drifted in and out of consciousness, his hunter moved closer. Fade into grey, colors emerge, a green blur is seen, back out of consciousness. As the wolf's eyes opened again, the green blur was more defined and was watching, just watching. Right before the wolf fell into its deepest sleep, the blur moved its right arm, a shamrock green blur flew closer towards the beast's eyes. Then everything went black. As Snakeroot moved towards his kill, he removed his thrown knife from the wolf's forehead. After another short prayer he closed the beast's eyes and cut the rope. He dragged his prey back to his village. The village was high up in the treetops, light shimmered through the leaves creating a magical feel to his home. No one congratulated him because that was his duty, and he had to do it. Instead of staying to join the feast, Snakeroot went into the forest, looking for his next kill.   Speaks elven Speaks common Dual-wield Poison expert Tracking Poor breathing anti-social 23 Parents died in the Great Blaze. Grew up alongside his best friends Belle and Birchbreaker. Wants more than to just live and die in the Incantum Forest. Impaled by Trineign Winterblood and gave himself the finishing blow in a last ditch effort to save his allies.  
by Brad Malott
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
184 AHM 211 AHM 27 years old
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Elven, Common

Character Portrait image: by Brad Malott