Silver Senatorial Congressus

The Silver Senatorial Congressus is the esteemed governing body of Silvermound, a city built within three craters. It is comprised of the Silver Senators, each representing one of the craters and overseeing the direction and governance of their respective areas. The Congressus holds significant authority in creating city-wide laws, requiring a two out of three majority vote from the Silver Senators.
  The Bronze Senators, on the other hand, represent individual districts within the craters and play a crucial role in the selection of new Silver Senators. When a vacancy arises, the Bronze Senators declare their preferred political candidates from their respective districts. In the event of a tie, the final decision is entrusted to the Sterling College, a prestigious institution renowned for its academic excellence and research endeavors. The Dean of the college, considering the college's financial and intellectual contributions to Silvermound, is empowered to declare the college's stance to break the tie.
  Within the Silver Senate Hall, the senators come together to convene and engage in discussions and deliberations on various issues concerning the city. This grand hall serves as a symbol of their collective power and the significance of their decisions. It is here that the senators debate, negotiate, and form alliances to shape the future of Silvermound.
  The Silver Senatorial Congressus stands as a vital pillar of governance, balancing the representation of districts and the overarching needs of the entire city. Through their collaborative efforts and decision-making, they strive to ensure the prosperity, harmony, and progress of Silvermound and its diverse inhabitants.

Articles under Silver Senatorial Congressus