Crater of Magic

The Crater of Magic, a pulsating heart within Silvermound, embodies a harmonious fusion of mystical forces and diverse communities. From the Eastern Crater Rim, where resilience meets industry in The Leftover and The Rails districts, to the enchanting shores of Lake Argent, home to Crystal Cay, Fisher Wharf, and Little Orar, the crater weaves tales of perseverance and coexistence. The Northern Center teems with the vibrancy of commerce, rivalry, and diverse cultures, manifesting in Essencia, Goblintown, the Silvermound Marketplace, and Sylburrow. The Southern Center, a canvas painted with intoxicating spirits, quirky charm, and the resilience of adversity, houses the Distillery District, Ragbag Row, The Stacks, and Three Star Park. Finally, the Western districts, with their scarred history in Ashen Quarter, the solemnity of Memorial Block, and the honey-scented but flammable sewers in The Meadway, stand as testaments to the fragility of structures built upon the ruins of the past.