Specklestone Keep

House of Venonim home in Wildehail

  The Specklestone Keep stands tall and proud, perched atop the high cliffs of Wildehail. Built into the rugged terrain, the dotted white castle seems almost like it grew out of the very rocks it rests upon. The limestone walls are weathered and etched with the passage of time, giving the castle a sense of ancient power. Looking out over the sea, the castle provides a strategic vantage point for its rulers, the House of Venonim.
  Tall, old trees grow vertically into the cliff face, their roots clinging tenaciously to the rocks, while the leaves rustle in the ocean breeze. The sound of waves crashing against the cliffs can be heard from every corner of the castle, creating a soothing yet awe-inspiring atmosphere.
  The griffin riders of Wildehail often land on various balconies of the castle, their majestic creatures swooping in and out with effortless grace. The balconies themselves are scattered sporadically throughout the castle, offering different viewpoints of the sea and the rugged landscape.
  The aged Specklestone Keep is still a formidable fortress, with thick walls and imposing towers that serve as a stark reminder of the power and authority of the House of Venonim.
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