Storm's Calling Gear Shop

Hunter Store
  Located just off the bustling thoroughfare, Storm’s Calling Gear Shop stands out with its sturdy oak door etched with swirling motifs reminiscent of storm clouds. Inside, racks of meticulously crafted gear adorn the walls, from reinforced leather armor to intricately carved weapons of all shapes and sizes. The air crackles faintly with residual magic, a testament to the shop's reputation for enchanting items to imbue them with elemental resilience. The proprietor, Makrum Halbrand, a weathered dwarf with a steely gaze, oversees the shop's operations with a no-nonsense demeanor, catering to adventurers and seasoned travelers alike who seek equipment forged to withstand the harshest of conditions.
  Makrum Halbrand Male hill dwarf trapper
  Makrum has on well-worn traveling clothes. He has light brown skin and deep-set hazel eyes. His head is shaved, with hints of brown and gray hair. He has a medium-length brown and gray beard. His hands have a slight tremor.
  He is unpleasant, rude, and insulting. He believes it is important to be peaceful and to do what feels good. He believes in holding everyone accountable for their actions.
  Mouse Trap 3 Clap Trap 3 Fly Fishing Rod 2 Worm 3 Bait Fish 4 Insects 2 Deer Skin 11 Goose Feather 5
Shop, Tailor
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