The Metronome

Home stronghold of Cilance, ruling tower of the Whisperer
  Set against the muted canvas of Cilance, The Metronome stands as a beacon of time and reverence. Its tall, elegant spire reaches towards the heavens, crowned with a large pendulum that casts its shadow across the city as it swings, marking the passage of time with soft, rhythmic ticks. With each swing, it not only counts the hours but also serves as a reminder of the Whisperer's omnipresent authority.
  Constructed from pale limestone, The Metronome seems to glow in both dawn and twilight. Intricate carvings of hand signs, representing various phrases and sentiments in the Cilanean sign language, adorn its exterior, a testament to the people's unique mode of communication. Within, a labyrinth of corridors and chambers provides the Whisperer a residence befitting their esteemed status. The Whispering Chamber, where the leader delivers public speeches, is an architectural marvel with acoustics designed to amplify even the faintest of murmurs, ensuring the leader's voice resonates clearly throughout the stronghold.
  Surrounding The Metronome are serene waterways, with gondolas gliding gracefully over the still waters, their silent journey only occasionally punctuated by the soft lap of water against their wooden hulls. Bridges arching over these channels are carpeted to mute footsteps, furthering the culture of hushed reverence that permeates Cilance.
  As night descends and stars glitter in the quietude, the soft ticking of The Metronome is the only constant in a city that cherishes silence, marking time in a world where words are sacred, and the spaces between them, even more so.
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