The Skipping Stones

The Skipping Stones is a chain of small, rocky islands in the middle of the Obsidian Strait, known for their smooth, flat surfaces that allow vtravellers to "skip" over teh water as if they were a stone tossed across the water. The islands are covered in hardy shrubs and bushes that have adapted to the harsh sea spray and strong winds.
  The Skipping Stones are a vital location for travelers moving between the Manastrife Union and the Empire of Iron. The islands provide a safe passage through the treacherous waters of the Obsidian Strait, and many ships stop here to rest and resupply before continuing on their journey.
  At the center of the Skipping Stones is a large, circular tower made of black obsidian that rises high above the other islands. The tower is manned by a mix of soldiers and sailors from both empires, who keep watch for any suspicious activity in the area. Visitors to the Skipping Stones are required to check in at the tower before continuing on their journey, and anyone caught trying to sneak through without permission will face severe consequences.
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