Tidesking Oceanus Tempest

Oceanking Oceanus Tempest

First Tidesking

  Pacuran Stormblood
  Born of the Typhoon
  You encounter a specter and a gelatinous cube. Sossori’s body is starting to be pulled back to the realm of her god. Eelisma took the bones to Milos to perform another ritual. Diggory’s son did not have a strong enough bond with the sea goddess. The specter was the angry spirit of Oceanus Tempest, the Tidesking. The spirit disappeared when his bonse left the tomb. As Hydri's new ruler, Maximus asked you to retrieve the bones of his great ancestor. Max reveals that the prophetic Stormblood Kricia of Milos is almost due with his unborn child. He fears Eelisma will sacrifice his child to try and bring Sootha back. He offers you riches once he becomes the Tidesking to protect his unborn baby and his fiancée Kricia. You prepare to head to Milos, the island of seamstresses and sail-weavers. Kricia and Maximus’ child would have the strongest blood connection to the claim of the Ocean Throne.
  You arrive to find the baby has been born and Eelisma was trying to transfer the sea goddess into the baby atop a black ivory tower in the centre of Milos. You learn how the sea goddess and Ocean King were in love, having 9 children centuries ago. As Sootha grew more crazed, Oceanus Tempest had to kill his wife. Unbeknownst to him, she was with child. Their 10th child became the grotesque Eelisma and she spent ages plotting how to bring her mother back.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Led the armies of men against the Onyx elves during the Liberation of Man.


Tidesking Oceanus Tempest


Towards Sootha - Sea and Healing

Sootha - Sea and Healing


Towards Tidesking Oceanus Tempest

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
575 BHM 323 BHM 252 years old
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements