Tiered Temple of Sootha

Beyond Eidon's western fringe, secrets lie deep. A secluded temple, home to worshippers of a wrathful sea deity, demands sacrifices, primarily from the unsuspecting batgoblins.
  A clearing with a Mayan-esque temple and a large amount of cultists in masks. These are tridate cultists working with Eelisma as she makes a sacrifice to restart Sootha's Storm. The ancient magical force was a reason why Sootha was able to walk around the mortal plane in the 4th era. Eelisma was at the top of the pyramid throwing batgoblin sacrifices into a pit of fire. When the group that would become the Heroes of teh Rising Tempest tried to stop her. She made for the dungeon of the temple to trick the group into bringing the collected pearls of Sootha into the base. These old artifacts activated the storm outside. Eelisma escaped and a large hurricane began to form over Eidon.
  You find a clearing with a Mayan-esque temple and a ton of cultists in masks. Eelisma was at the top of the pyramid throwing batgoblin sacrifices into a pit of fire. Party interrupted ritual, attacked Eelisma and then ran. Fish-eyed woman shoots a life-draining beam and almost killed some people. Made it back to Eidon, informed Diggory, and went back to the clearing with 15 mud guards. Beat up some cultists and stopped some ritual drummers. Jumped into a fire portal to the underworld.
  Fought some Grimlocks, found a desecrate statue of Sootha with imposter written on it. Defeated some kuo-toa. After making their way through they found Eelisma at the end, she activated an old totem using the Pearls of the Stormblood that Sossori had been collecting and released the sea goddess from her sleep.
  As they made it to the surface, a large hurricane was beginning to form in the distance.
Temple / Church
Parent Location