Tombking Rahn Rhytyn

Tombking Rahn Rhytyn

390 BHM Rahn (Age 0) is born of the incestuous relationship of Neith (Age Slowed 62) and Siduri (Age Slowed 52)
  379 BHM Aradlugal (Age 12) is sacrificed as Neith (Age Slowed 71) has been getting his foresight visions from his commoner children. This vision is the first one to equal the power they saw when they siphoned Ghi'Nan for the first time. The age when the children come of age at 12 seems to be when they provide the greatest visions of the future. The issue being that Siduri (Age Slowed 61) saw that Neith’s farm of woman incubators gets revealed by a tombguard a few years down the road, this causes the people to turn on the Hierarch. Even Raabi (Age Slowed 56) is murdered even though the people currently love him. Lastly both see that the two of them and their addiction are the reason their kingdom falls. Defying the governmental balance of Ghi'Nan destroys their family. When both came out of the vision trance, they were mortified. Neith started explaining the farm of woman incubators but she was more focussed on the downfall of their culture driven by their actions. Siduri stabs her brother husband at the ritual room and chains him up. She performs the ritual again to see that the visions are just possible futures to ensure or avoid. With the death of her husband she sees a future where the Tombmonarchs can use this ritual to keep their kingdom in prosperity but only if the leader of religion believes that this is what is supposed to happen for the country.
  Rahnon Period
  379 BHM Rahn (Age 12) is given the kingdom after his father’s death. His mother Siduri (Age Slowed 61) teaches him of their ways to sacrifice their children until they deem one worthy to take their place. This is necessary for the future of Calua as you can foresee dangers and attacks and prepare accordingly. Once you know your latest child is going to put the country on the best track, you give yourself to the Moon Sacrifice alter and your youngest child takes the reigns of the kingdom getting their first vision from your death. This is the Way.
  375 BHM Siduri (Age Slowed 65) has ensured that the past history of the Hierarch has remained locked away. Utilizing the Sandcloaks as a secret police of protecting history.
  371 BHM Siduri (Age Slowed 69) speaks to her younger brother about giving up his title to separate the two levels of Governments once again. Raabi (Age Slowed 64) agrees and leaves the Hierarch, he has become disconnected with his sister after their years of secrecy and lies. He decrees that the Merchant Magnate Guild will nominate the Oligarch from now on.
  369 BHM Siduri (Age Slowed 71) summons a distant cousin to take her place as Unspoken. Is in charge of the Moon Sacrifice.
  367 BHM Rahn (Age 24) enacts and puts into law the Moon Sacrifice for his family. The people did not question this official law as Rahn was kept in the dark on why they were confused that this wasn’t a thing before his parents. The people would not speak about this because the Sandcloaks would take them away.
  364 BHM Siduri (Age Slowed 76) tells her son that he is now in charge of continuing the tradition of the family as the foresight has told her to move the country forward she must die. She be sacrificing at the altar by him for him to get his first vision. Rahn (Age 27) completes the ceremony and sees the eventual Fracturing War, leaves notes for his descendants to stay out of any royal conflicts or else their people will die.
  363 BHM Ramses I Birth (Age 0) to Rahn (Age 28)
  361 BHM Puabi I Birth (Age 0) To Rahn (Age 30)
  358 BHM Ramses II Birth (Age 0) to Rahn (Age 33)
  351 BHM Ramses I Death (Age 12) performed by Rahn (Age 40)
  349 BHM Puabi I Death (Age 12) performed by Rahn (Age 42)
  346 BHM Ramses II Death (Age 12) performed by Rahn (Age 45)
  306 BHM Ramses III Birth (Age 0) to Rahn (Age 85)
  294 BHM Rahn Death (Age 97)
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
390 BHM 294 BHM 96 years old
Aligned Organization