Tombking Neith Rhytyn

Tombking Neith Rhytyn

Tombking Neith Rhytyn's rise and fall is a tale of ambition, obsession, and familial decay. Born in 449 BHM from the secret union between the Unspoken Tiamep and Tombking Ammon, Neith inherited a powerful lineage steeped in political machinations. As the Hierarch's heir, Neith was shaped by the manipulations of his mother, Tiamep, who, by 405 BHM, had solidified her control over the entire government. This consolidation of power culminated in Neith's ascension to the role of Tombking following the mysterious death of his father, Ammon.
  Neith's reign was marked by an unhealthy dependency on the cryptic visions obtained from Ghi'Nan, the near-immortal great ancestor who had once rebelled against the very system Neith's family now controlled. Neith, along with his sister Siduri, became addicted to these visions of time, sacrificing their morality to prolong their grip on power. Neith’s obsession with foresight deepened after their first ritual in 403 BHM, where they experienced the allure of seeing the future, a temptation they could not resist. Siduri, the current Unspoken, mirrored her brother’s fixation, and their incestuous relationship became a grotesque means of creating offspring with Ennobled Blood for sacrificial rituals to the moon, each child’s death giving them glimpses of possible futures.
  By 390 BHM, their depravity reached new depths with the sacrifice of their firstborn, Jushur, marking the start of a downward spiral. Neith and Siduri's once-shared ambition morphed into madness, as they continued their blood rituals in secret, each sacrifice bringing them closer to visions of potential prosperity, but also pushing them toward inevitable ruin. Siduri, seeing a future in which their actions led to the collapse of their dynasty and the death of their beloved brother Raabi, could no longer stomach their path.
  In 379 BHM, after the sacrifice of their child Aradlugal, Siduri experienced a vision so clear it shattered her resolve. She saw the inevitable fall of their kingdom due to the very rituals they had performed. Horrified, she turned on Neith, stabbing him in the ritual chamber and chaining him up to ensure the cycle would end. The final vision she experienced revealed the truth: the power they had chased was never meant for personal gain, but to guide the kingdom in a balanced manner—a balance they had destroyed.


Tombking Neith Rhytyn


Towards Siduri Rhytyn, Unspoken of the Hierarch

Siduri Rhytyn, Unspoken of the Hierarch


Towards Tombking Neith Rhytyn

Tombking Neith Rhytyn


Towards Siduri Rhytyn, Unspoken of the Hierarch


Siduri Rhytyn, Unspoken of the Hierarch


Towards Tombking Neith Rhytyn


Tombking Neith Rhytyn


Towards Raabi Rhytyn, Oligarch of Sirocco


Raabi Rhytyn, Oligarch of Sirocco


Towards Tombking Neith Rhytyn


Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
449 BHM 379 BHM 70 years old
Aligned Organization