Tova Grunwald

Mother to Oweyn and Chedva Skytracer   Married to Aleyn Skytracer   House Grunwald is a noble house known for their generations of monster hunters. They are renowned for their bravery and skill in hunting down and vanquishing the dangerous beasts that threaten their realm.   Sigil: The crest of House Grunwald depicts a silver sword with a bloodstained blade, crossed with a silver arrow, set against a field of dark forest green. The silver sword represents their skills in combat and their prowess as monster hunters, symbolizing their bravery and courage in facing deadly creatures. The bloodstained blade represents their battles against monsters and their determination to protect their realm. The silver arrow represents their marksmanship and precision in hunting down their foes. The dark forest green represents their association with the wilderness and their quest to rid their realm of monstrous threats.


Aleyn Skytracer


Towards Tova Grunwald

Tova Grunwald


Towards Aleyn Skytracer

Current Location
Aleyn Skytracer (spouse)