
City in Belsia, very religious, gothic architecture
  Home of the current Provincial Lady Vontessa Baudelaire.
  Tsarsailles stands as a testament to the resilience and influence of the Belcoursian culture, even after the fall of their original homeland, Belcour. A city of towering spires, intricate stonework, and ethereal stained glass, Tsarsailles is a breathtaking vista of architectural wonder. The edifices rise with delicate arcs, their stone filigrees weaving tales of faith and devotion. Stained glass windows, awash with colors, cast a myriad of hues across cobbled streets, narrating tales of old.
  Tsarsailles is the seat of power for Lady Vontessa Baudelaire, the current Provincial Lady of Belsia. Her reign symbolizes the longstanding marriage alliance that has ensured a Belcoursian holds the title of the Western Lord or Lady ever since the fall of Belcour.
  Deeply religious, the city's inhabitants are often found congregating in its many chapels and cathedrals to Dhara, engaging in daily prayers, ceremonies, and spiritual events. Chants and hymns often fill the air, adding an auditory layer to the city's ethereal ambiance. This deep sense of faith binds the community, providing solace and strength as they remember their past and forge their future.
  The Belcoursian influence is still alive and well, from the fashion worn by its citizens to the food in its bustling markets. Tsarsailles stands as a living monument to a culture that refused to fade, ensuring that the legacy of Belcour remains.