
  Ugania is a dangerous and wild country, full of treacherous mountains and harsh terrain. It is home to many clans of trolls, each with its own traditions and beliefs. The people of Ugania are fiercely independent and will stop at nothing to protect their land and their way of life. Visitors to Ugania should be cautious when venturing into the mountains, as the trolls are not known for their hospitality. However, those who are brave enough to seek out the trolls may find that they are willing to trade valuable goods and knowledge, as long as the visitors show proper respect and humility.
  Dangerous province, many mountains and treacherous paths that is ruled by Trineign Winterblood.
  Mountain trolls believe having a strong stench leads to luck in combat. A troll will only bathe once he is sure the peace will last. It is a tense time when two neighbouring chieftains are trying to outlast the other on who will bathe last. It can lead to war if one chieftain does not bathe to save their oride, Not bathing can be construed as an act of war. Many a battle have started through this belief.
  Eigduraber Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 1473 602 Bougie Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 1601 1185 Aberraw Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 16589 1185 Abercarn Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 14715 1270 Aber Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 12712 1733 Dinverporh Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 10646 665 Crimos Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 22790 1988 Inhafren Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 8571 1493 Aberlan Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 1879 512 Anveran Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 1583 1936 Afon Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 9826 1227 Hizhui Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 29954 698 Awegyn Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 2031 1833 Aberlaton Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 13434 800 Inverta Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 11792 2372 Aberwaun Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 1805 698 Ebracon Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 6397 1936 Aberwe Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 1136 352 Lebo Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 1146 1227 Inve Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 7282 2785 Aberdaber Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 768 2204 Llaberkip Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 5599 1023 Inveriw Ugania Province Breria Hearthic Gathering of the Void 9398 305 Koskegyesza Ugania Province Breria Mountain Troll Gathering of the Void 600 2664 Ashaven Ugania Province Breria Mountain Troll Gathering of the Void 3214 305 Csendor Ugania Province Breria Mountain Troll Gathering of the Void 775 1635
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