Vereda Lichtman

Mother to Rosa, Godfried and Denston Skytracer   Married Elis Skytracer   House Lichtman is a noble house known for their mastery of light magic and their dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. They are renowned scholars and mages, with a deep understanding of the mysteries of light and its applications in magic.   Sigil: The crest of House Lichtman features a radiant sunburst, with rays of golden light emanating from a central point, set against a field of midnight blue. The radiant sunburst represents their mastery of light magic, symbolizing their illumination of knowledge and wisdom. The golden rays represent their brilliance and enlightenment, while the midnight blue represents the mysteries of magic and their pursuit of knowledge.


Elis Skytracer


Towards Vereda Lichtman

Vereda Lichtman


Towards Elis Skytracer

Current Location
Elis Skytracer (spouse)