
Yewclaw stood as a direct link to the Tree Mother Kishar, the matron deity of Galfin’s forests, embodying the fierce yet nurturing spirit of nature itself. This remarkable plant creature, resembling a massive wolf woven from roots and bark, was both a member of the Merkaynian Circle and a Cathedral Treant, tasked with the immense responsibility of protecting the Incantum Forest and its sacred denizens. Among his duties, Yewclaw was the vigilant guardian of the astral white stags, the ethereal spirits that roamed under Kishar's watchful eye.
  As the time of the Conveyance approached, a dark poison coursed through Yewclaw, a malicious force that threatened not only his life but the balance of the forest. Despite the weakening of his ancient body, Yewclaw made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the survival of the Greendreamer, the Cathedral Treant who would see the transition of power through to its final stages. With his last breath, Yewclaw entrusted his Cathedral Seed to the Courtship Procession, choosing to preserve the sacred cycle at the cost of his own existence.
  In his final moments, as the mighty treant lay upon the forest floor, a small treecreeper bird, insignificant in size yet profound in purpose, landed softly on his ear. With Yewclaw’s passing, a faint green glow passed from the treant to the bird, carrying with it the last vestige of Yewclaw’s power. The bird flew away, now a small yet enduring beacon of the forest’s resilience, bearing the final blessing of a guardian who had given everything to protect the world he loved.
  Wolf treant
  A plant creature that resembles a large wolf was both a member of the Circle and a Cathedral Treant. A creature designated with great duty in protecting the Incantum Forest and all it's denizens. Yewclaw is tasked with keeping the spirits of the forest safe, the astral white stags of Kishar, the goddess of nature and life.
  Sacrificed self and gave cathedral seed to save the greendreamer
  Left last ounce of power to a small forest bird
  As he lay on the ground dying, the wolf like treant had a single treecreper bird land on it's ear as it passed away. The bird then flew away with a small green glow.
  Kishar - Yewclaw, Shepherd of the White Herd
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